Speech Therapy Services

Kelly Twehues, Owner, began KTL to give families a more personalized experience in therapy services.

Megan Hoke, Lead SLP, has experience treating articulation and phonology disorders.

Carly Speed has experience in treating a variety of speech sound disorders and language delays.

Jirah Steiden has experience providing speech therapy in school and outpatient hospital settings.

Allie Narowski has experience working with children ages 16 months to 17 years old.

Emily Hackman has experience with low and high-tech augmentative and alternative communication.

Sara Vank has experience working with children who have complex communication needs.

Occupational Therapy Services

Anna DeHondt, Lead OT, has experience in outpatient pediatrics and trauma-informed care.

Kaelin Gulla has experience in hippotherapy & sensory input related to environmental modifications.

Meredith Klare has experience serving children with various diagnoses, including sensory processing.

Sara Kula utilizes play-based and nature-based therapy services and works with children of all ages.

Cathy Walters has experience serving the community through Kentucky’s Early Intervention System.

Physical Therapy Services

Abbie Luken PT, DPT


Amy Bush has been assisting KTL families and therapists since 2020.

Our therapists can work together to create a unique treatment plan for your child.

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