KTL Therapy Office Health and Cleaning Procedures
NEVER bring a sick child to therapy! If your child has had a fever, diarrhea, or vomiting in the past 24 hours, please call and cancel your session. If your child has been diagnosed with an illness that is contagious, please call to cancel your session. We will work with you on rescheduling and this will not be billed to you as a “late cancel” or “no show.”
All hard surfaces in the clinic area will be wiped down between sessions. Again, we were doing this to protect you all along! But we now need to consider the bathroom, door and furniture, as well as, toys and other therapy materials.
Please be patient with us if we start a little late or end a little early to make this happen! We are doing it for your health!
In addition to our cleaning between sessions, the clinic will be professionally cleaned and sanitized every week.
We already start all sessions with handwashing so this won’t be new! However, it is preferred that the child and therapist use the sink to wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds.
Hand sanitizing wipes will be available if your child has difficulty with soap and water handwashing.
Parents should also wash their hands.