Outdoor OT: A Natural Sensory Playground

by Sara Kula


Holding therapeutic sessions in nature has increased in popularity over the last few years. More than ever, people are staring at a screen for a large portion of their day. So, children and adults alike need to find ways to connect with nature for the sake of our physical and mental health. As a child develops, a variety of sensory and motor experiences must be added to their everyday play. This helps them learn and understand how their body works and moves!

KTL offers nature-based occupational therapy services to families. You may be wondering what this entails and how it compares to in-clinic sessions. When a child has a session in a natural setting, it is more than just moving indoor OT activities to an outdoor setting.

“I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order." - John Burroughs

Nature provides a variety of sensory inputs. As an occupational therapist works with a child outdoors, the child learns how to navigate an ever-changing environment that is beyond their control. This challenges children as they discover how to adapt and develop flexibility to handle the changes occurring in nature every day.

When rain makes the ground slippery, we have to be aware and adapt our speed as we are walking to maintain balance. When the temperatures change, we have to notice our body sensations to determine how much clothing to wear and if we need to take a break to prevent overheating. When a tree falls and blocks our path, we must figure out how to get around it to continue the hike.

These are just a few examples of the many ways the outdoors can naturally challenge kids (and adults) to be flexible and develop new skills. 

To learn more about Outdoor OT, or to schedule a session to find out if your child would benefit from it, contact KTL today. We’re here to help!


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