Occupational Therapy

Spring Sensory Bins

Kids love to scoop, pour, & transfer! Here are several Spring-themed sensory bins for you and your child to enjoy from Teaching2and3yearolds.com

Speech Therapy

Word Hopscotch

This game works especially well with any Speech-Language articulation drill.

In place of numbers, draw pictures beginning with the sound you would like to focus on. Instruct your child to toss a rock onto the hopscotch board. Then, tell him or her to hop to the square with the rock and say the word of the picture in the square.

Physical Therapy

“Red Light/Green Light” Game

When is the last time you played "red light"/"green light" with your child?

This classic game helps kids if they are having difficulty with executive functions. Play it this weekend inside or outside!

Spring-themed Movement Ideas

From a “frog jump” to a “rain dance” to “puddle jumps,” find these and 6 other movement ideas to help your child with gross motor skills at PinkOatmeal.com!


Winter Activities


Summer Activities